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Eglise Saint Sulpice

Eglise Saint Sulpice

24220 Marnac

Here are the reasons why this Church is remarkable: its stunning setting, elegant architecture and the elevation of its bell tower. Its ogival style is from the 14th century. Its shape is that of a Latin cross of perfect regularity. All the vaults are in stone, with perfect reticulated ribs. There are 7 windows. On the other hand, the building stones are extremely porous which brought a lot of moisture into the building before the problem was dealt with . There are 3 doors and 2 chapels, the one on the left is dedicated to the virgin, the one on the right to St Antoine.
The painted wooden altarpiece, was restored in 1999, thanks to a gift from Madame Jacqueline Beytout. It revealed very beautiful polychrome paintings .

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