Bike Bus Dordogne
We speak english really quite well too !
Bike hire (+sales and repairs) in Castelnaud at the start of the "Céou Cycleway", an 10km, flat country lane past some lovely Periourdian villages, alongside the Céou River to Daglan.
Then a further 15km of forest track for those who need a bit more of a challenge.
We have all manner of bikes available, including Tandems, Classic town bikes (perfect for the moutain bikes, road bikes, single speeders and a large range of sizes for children.
We may be able to deliver to you special prices for gorups of +10 bikes or teenagers/students.
Cheaper prices from the 2nd day consecutive or not.
Why not try our TRISPORT = run + bike + canoe for 30 € !
3 times THE FUN !!!
From 01/04/2024 to 30/09/2024, from 09:00 to 19:00